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2017-02-24 00:00:00
苏州市第四中学 是一所具有悠久历史,优良办学传统和深厚文化底蕴的历史名校。学校创建于1902年,前身系苏州私立桃坞中学、上海圣约翰大学附中。1952年苏州市人民政府接管,易名为苏州市第四中学。百年来,学校素以名师办学、治学严谨、注重人文精神培养和英语教学见长而著称。中国文化昆仑——钱钟书;中科院院士——张青莲、钱钟韩、潘承洞、刘元方均在我校度过了中学时代。一大批享誉海内外的学者、专家、教授均毕业于我校。 学校现有师生1500人,其中专任教师中,本科以上学历者占61%;具有中高级 职称者占68%。学校现有30个高中教学班。校园环境优美典雅。实验室、电脑房、语音室、多功能室、图书馆、健身房等现代教学设施齐全,并日趋完整。

近年来,学校依托苏州市教育改革、教育整体水平领先于全国的优势,在办学模式上进行了一定开拓,和苏州工业园区职业技术学院、省重点中学:苏州市十中联合办学,开办了高中实验班,强化了计算机教学与英语教学。 为真正使教育“面向世界、面向未来、面向现代化”,我们将以现代教学设施、雄厚师资实力,特色英语教学为基础,进一步改革办学模式,走出国门,与相关友好国家的中学结成姊妹学校,加强交流、举办修学游,推荐优秀高中毕业生直接升入国外高校深造。在廾一世纪将苏州四中办成一所现代化的苏城一流中的学校。


Suzhou No.4 Middle School is renowned for its long teaching history, great teaching achievements and its pleasing academic atmosphere. It was established in 1902 originally named as Suzhou Taowu Middle School—a private school affiliated to St. John University in Shanghai. In 1952, it was taken over by Suzhou municipal government and was renamed as Suzhou No.4 Middle School. For nearly one hundred years since its establishment, this school has always been well known for its outstanding teaching staff and its special emphasis on the development of students’ overall quality and on English academic teaching.

The Chinese culture giant Qian Zhongshu, and academicians like Zhang Qinglian, Qian Zhonghan, Pan Chengrun, Liu Yuanfang, and many world famous scholars, experts and professors have spent their schooldays in this school.

At present, the population of its students together with its staff members amounts to 1,500. Sixty percent of its teaching staff are with bachelor degree or above, and sixty-eight percent with intermediate or high-ranking professional titles. The school now has thirty classes from junior grade one to senior grade three. The campus environment is enjoyable and elegant. There are well-equipped laboratories, computer rooms, language lab, multi-functioning hall, library, gym room and other modernized teaching facilities.

Recently, in the city education reform, as a leading role in the national education system, this school has pioneered the innovation of teaching mode. It has established inter-school ties with Technical School in Suzhou Industrial Zone and the provincial key school—Suzhou No.10 Middle School. The experimental classes prioritizing computer skills and English learning have been set up.

To better adjust our teaching to the world trend and advanced technology, we will make full use of our modernized teaching facilities and our competent staff members. We will keep our pursuit of excellence on our charted course. We intend to step abroad and exchange with our counterparts. We will organize learning tours for our students and recommend our top students to further their study abroad.

We firmly believe that in this new century our school will be one of the first-class middle schools in our city.

电话:0512-67273118               0512-67285649